Three Ways to Enjoy Turkey on a Budget

Although many reasons exist to love turkey – if you’re on a budget, turkey offers some amazing options. Don’t let the size of a turkey intimidate you. Believe it or not, the size actually benefits you economy-wise. Let me offer you a few ways to make a large turkey even more budget-friendly than it already is!     

1.      Cut it up. Do you know how much money you can save if you cut up your own turkey versus buying turkey pieces? About half! That’s right! And when you know what you are doing, it only takes about 10 minutes to cut up an entire turkey, so it’s definitely a beneficial skill to learn. Buy several turkeys when they are fresh, cut them up, freeze them in pieces, and make sure you keep all the bones for soup. Instructions to cut up turkey here.

2. Pressure can it. Buy fresh turkeys in season, get out the pressure canner and can several of them. Canning turkey causes moist, tender meat that is versatile for everything from sandwiches, salad to casseroles. After cutting the meat off the bone, make sure to cook the bones of the carcass for broth. (You can also can the broth if you like.) How to pressure can turkey here.

3. Roast it. Make a big turkey on a regular weekday, (make sure to fry up the organ meats if they are included) consume whatever your family desires, then store the leftovers for a ton of leftover meals. Make sure to cook the roasted bones into broth afterwards and enjoy several meals of delicious soup. There’s the cost of the turkey upfront, but don’t look at it as a single meal – it’s more like six! Turkey leftover recipes here.



Seeds of Hope


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